Area of expertise:
Payroll management; RTI; Auto-enrolment.
With a financial background covering a dozen or so years with a ‘Big 4’ Bank, followed by a financial role in a regional business where she managed the finances and the payroll, Katie joined Shaw Gibbs in 2004 as a Payroll Consultant.
Katie is genuinely passionate about assisting clients with their payroll requirements and enjoys the different challenges of dealing with a wide range of clients, from single employee businesses to companies with over 250 employees.
Katie enjoys working closely with clients to provide a personal service and gets real satisfaction from helping them to overcome their payroll issues, including occasionally identifying and resolving longstanding and previously unknown issues. For clients who prefer to run their own payroll in house she can provide a Health Check to ensure they are acting within the current government guidelines.
Katie is also up to speed with all the latest on Pension Auto Enrolment, offering guidance and information and managing the assessment of the workforce, deductions and uploading the information to your pension provider.
Katie speaks at various seminars giving advice on common mistakes, avoiding penalties and outlining future HMRC legislation.