Shaw Gibbs launch employee recognition programme.
Shaw Gibbs launch employee recognition programme.
December 14, 2021
2 minute read
Shaw Gibbs have launched an employee recognition programme in order to honour contributions to the firm over the last 18 months.

Shaw Gibbs have launched an employee recognition programme in order to honour contributions to the firm over the last 18 months.
A total of five categories kicked off the programme for the top 100 practice with an Awards Ceremony which was due to take place at the firms Winter Party in December but will instead be held in January due to Covid.
The categories for these awards were Best Team Player, Business Development Champion, The People’s Choice, Going the Extra Mile and Best Client Focus.
However, the programme does not stop at one awards ceremony per year.
Kerry Whitfield, HR Manager explains
“The aim is to build a stronger culture of appreciation within the company and for our people to feel valued. The programme has three components – the big employee Awards Ceremonies held twice a year, the Thank You awards which are quick immediate small gestures of thanks and our ERIC Values Awards which reward people for demonstrating our company values (Expert, Respectful, Innovative and Collaborative).”
Whilst some of the nominations are put forward by Partners and Managers, there are several special categories such as the ‘People’s Choice’ which is open for all employees to nominate.
Peter O’Connell, Managing Partner for Shaw Gibbs comments
“It is fantastic to see this initiative launch as a result of discussions with our Employee Collab group. I am particularly pleased to see that the awards we have can be equally applicable to our internal support teams as well as those who work directly with the Shaw Gibbs client-base.”
Prizes for the winners are up to the value of £500 and an awards committee is in place to review all nominations and decide on the winner.
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